home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /**********************************************************************
- *
- *
- * PURPOSE: A dump program that lets you view internal WinHelp files
- *
- * Copyright 1997, Mike Wallace and Pete Davis
- *
- * Chapter 4, Windows Help File Format, from Undocumented Windows
- * File Formats, published by R&D Books, an imprint of Miller Freeman, Inc.
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- #define MEM_DEBUG 1
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "winhelp.h"
- #include "hlpdump2.h"
- #define HLP_DEBUG 1
- #define CHECK_SIGNATURE(is, shouldbe) \
- {if (is != shouldbe) { \
- printf("Signature should be %x, but is %x\n"); \
- return;} }
- /* Tells us if a particular bit is set or not */
- #define BITSET(bitmap, bit) \
- ((bitmap & (1 << bit)) ? 1 : 0 )
- /* Sum of set bits in a byte + 8 */
- #define BYTESTOREAD(bitmap) \
- ( BITSET(bitmap, 0) + BITSET(bitmap, 1) + \
- BITSET(bitmap, 2) + BITSET(bitmap, 3) + \
- BITSET(bitmap, 4) + BITSET(bitmap, 5) + \
- BITSET(bitmap, 6) + BITSET(bitmap, 7) + 8 )
- /***************************************************
- Loads the HFSFileHeader
- ****************************************************/
- long LoadHeader(FILE *HelpFile)
- {
- fread(&fileHeader, sizeof(HFSFILEHEADER), 1, HelpFile);
- #ifdef HLP_DEBUG
- printf("DEBUG -> LoadHeader()\n");
- printf("File plus Header: %ld\n", fileHeader.FilePlusHeader);
- printf("File size: %ld\n", fileHeader.FileSize);
- printf("File type: 0x%02x\n\n", fileHeader.FileType);
- #endif
- return fileHeader.FileSize;
- }
- /*************************************************
- Decompresses the data using Microsoft's LZ77
- derivative (called Zeck Compression)
- **************************************************/
- long Decompress(FILE *HelpFile, long CompSize, char *Buffer) {
- long InBytes = 0; /* How many bytes read in */
- long OutBytes = 0; /* How many bytes written out */
- BYTE BitMap, Set[16]; /* Bitmap and bytes associated with it */
- long NumToRead; /* Number of bytes to read for next group */
- long counter, Index; /* Going through next 8-16 codes or chars */
- long Length, Distance; /* Code length and distance back in 'window' */
- char *CurrPos; /* Where we are at any given moment */
- char *CodePtr; /* Pointer to back-up in LZ77 'window' */
- CurrPos = Buffer;
- /* Go through until we're done */
- while (InBytes < CompSize) {
- /* Get BitMap and data following it */
- BitMap = (BYTE) fgetc(HelpFile);
- NumToRead = BYTESTOREAD(BitMap);
- /* If we're trying to read more than we've
- got left, only read what we have left. */
- NumToRead = (CompSize - InBytes) < NumToRead ?
- CompSize-InBytes : NumToRead;
- fread(Set, 1, (int) NumToRead, HelpFile);
- InBytes += NumToRead + 1;
- /* Go through and decode data */
- for (counter = 0, Index = 0; counter < 8; counter++) {
- /* It's a code, so decode it and copy the data */
- if (BITSET(BitMap, counter)) {
- Length = ((Set[Index+1] & 0xF0) >> 4) + 3;
- Distance = ((Set[Index+1] & 0x0F) << 8) + Set[Index] + 1;
- CodePtr = CurrPos - Distance;
- /* Copy data from 'window' */
- while (Length) {
- *CurrPos++ = *CodePtr++;
- OutBytes++;
- Length--;
- }
- Index += 2;
- }
- else {
- *CurrPos++ = Set[Index++];
- OutBytes++;
- }
- } /* for */
- } /* while */
- return OutBytes;
- }
- /***************************************************
- Performs a Hex/ASCII dump of an HFS file.
- ****************************************************/
- void HexDumpData(FILE *HelpFile, long fileSize)
- {
- char Buffer[16];
- long counter;
- long BytesToPrint, Index;
- printf("Offset Hex Values Ascii\n");
- printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- for (counter = 0; counter < fileSize; counter+=16) {
- printf("0x%08lX: ", counter);
- /* If this is the last line, how many bytes are in it? */
- BytesToPrint = ((fileSize - counter) > 16) ? 16 : (fileSize - counter);
- fread(Buffer, BytesToPrint, 1, HelpFile);
- /* Dump Hex */
- for (Index=0; Index < BytesToPrint; Index++)
- printf("%02X ", (BYTE) Buffer[Index]);
- /* If last line, fill in blanks */
- for (Index=0; Index < 16-BytesToPrint; Index++)
- printf(" ");
- /* Dump Ascii */
- for (Index=0; Index < BytesToPrint; Index++)
- putchar( isprint( Buffer[Index] ) ? Buffer[Index] : '.' );
- putchar('\n');
- }
- free(Buffer);
- }
- /***************************************************
- Performs a Hex/ASCII dump of an HFS file.
- ****************************************************/
- void HexDumpFile(FILE *HelpFile, long FileStart)
- {
- long fileSize;
- fseek(HelpFile, FileStart, SEEK_SET);
- fileSize = LoadHeader(HelpFile);
- printf("File Size: 0x%08lX\n\n", fileSize);
- HexDumpData(HelpFile, fileSize);
- }
- /***************************************************
- Dumps the |SYSTEM info
- ****************************************************/
- void SystemDump(FILE *HelpFile, long FileStart)
- {
- char HelpFileTitle[33];
- SYSTEMREC SystemRec;
- long CurrentLocation;
- struct tm *TimeRec;
- SECWINDOW *SWin; /* Secondary Window record */
- long fileSize;
- fseek(HelpFile, FileStart, SEEK_SET);
- fileSize = LoadHeader(HelpFile);
- fread(&SysHeader, sizeof(SysHeader), 1, HelpFile);
- printf("|SYSTEM Dump\n\n\n");
- /* Figure out Version and Revision */
- if (SysHeader.Revision == 0x15) printf("HC.EXE 3.10 Help Compiler used\n");
- else if (SysHeader.Revision == 0x21) printf("HCW.EXE. 4.00 or MVC.EXE\n");
- printf("\nVersion: %d\nRevision: %d\n", SysHeader.Version, SysHeader.Revision);
- printf("Flag: 0x%04X - ",SysHeader.Flags);
- /* Determine compression, if any. */
- if (SysHeader.Flags == NO_COMPRESSION) printf("No compression\n");
- else if (SysHeader.Flags & COMPRESSION_HIGH) printf("High Compression\n");
- else printf("Unknown Compression: 0x%02x\n", SysHeader.Flags);
- TimeRec=localtime(&SysHeader.GenDate);
- printf("Help File Generated: %s", asctime(TimeRec));
- /* If 3.0 get title */
- CurrentLocation=12;
- if (SysHeader.Revision == 0x0F) {
- fgets(HelpFileTitle, 33, HelpFile);
- printf("Help File Title: %s\n", HelpFileTitle);
- }
- /* Else, get 3.1 System records */
- else {
- while (CurrentLocation < fileSize) {
- /* Read in system record and SystemRec data */
- fread(&SystemRec, 4, 1, HelpFile);
- SystemRec.RData = malloc(SystemRec.DataSize);
- if (SystemRec.RData == NULL)
- {
- printf("Allocation of SystemRec.RData failed.");
- return;
- }
- fread(SystemRec.RData, SystemRec.DataSize, 1, HelpFile);
- CurrentLocation=CurrentLocation+4+SystemRec.DataSize;
- switch(SystemRec.RecordType)
- {
- case 0x0001: printf("Help File Title: %s\n", SystemRec.RData);
- break;
- case 0x0002: printf("Copyright Notice: %s\n", SystemRec.RData);
- break;
- case 0x0003: printf("Contents ID: 0x%04X\n", (long) *SystemRec.RData);
- break;
- case 0x0004: printf("Macro Data: %s\n",SystemRec.RData);
- break;
- case 0x0005: printf("Icon in System record\n");
- break;
- case 0x0006: printf("\nSecondary window:\n");
- SWin = (SECWINDOW *)SystemRec.RData;
- printf("Flag: %d\n", SWin->Flags);
- if (SWin->Flags & WSYSFLAG_TYPE)
- printf("Type: %s\n", SWin->Type);
- if (SWin->Flags & WSYSFLAG_NAME)
- printf("Name: %s\n", SWin->Name);
- if (SWin->Flags & WSYSFLAG_CAPTION)
- printf("Caption: %s\n", SWin->Caption);
- if (SWin->Flags & WSYSFLAG_X)
- printf("X: %d\n", SWin->X);
- if (SWin->Flags & WSYSFLAG_Y)
- printf("Y: %d\n", SWin->Y);
- if (SWin->Flags & WSYSFLAG_WIDTH)
- printf("Width: %d\n", SWin->Width);
- if (SWin->Flags & WSYSFLAG_HEIGHT)
- printf("Height: %d\n", SWin->Height);
- if (SWin->Flags & WSYSFLAG_MAXIMIZE)
- printf("Maximize Flag: %d\n", SWin->Maximize);
- if (SWin->Flags & WSYSFLAG_RGB)
- printf("RGB Foreground Colors Set\n");
- if (SWin->Flags & WSYSFLAG_RGBNSR)
- printf("RGB For Non-Scrollable Region Set\n");
- if (SWin->Flags & WSYSFLAG_TOP)
- printf("Secondary Window is always On Top\n");
- break;
- case 0x0008: printf("Citation: %s\n", SystemRec.RData);
- break;
- case 0x000A: printf("\nContents File: %s\n\n",SystemRec.RData);
- break;
- default: printf("\nUnknown record type: 0x%04X\n",SystemRec.RecordType);
- /* Back-up and hex-dump the data */
- fseek(HelpFile,
- ftell(HelpFile) - SystemRec.DataSize,
- HexDumpData(HelpFile, SystemRec.DataSize);
- } /* switch */
- free(SystemRec.RData);
- } /* while */
- } /* else */
- } /* SysDump */
- /***************************************************
- Dumps the |FONT file
- ****************************************************/
- void FontDump(FILE *HelpFile, long FileStart)
- {
- char AFont[32];
- long FontStart, CurrLoc;
- long fileSize;
- long counter;
- long NameLen;
- /* Go to the FONT file and get the headers */
- fseek(HelpFile, FileStart, SEEK_SET);
- fileSize = LoadHeader(HelpFile);
- fread(&FontHdr, sizeof(FontHdr), 1, HelpFile);
- printf("|FONTS\n\n Number Fonts: %d\n",FontHdr.NumFonts);
- printf("Font # - Font Name\n");
- /* Font names are 20 chars prior to Winhelp 4.0 */
- /* In WinHelp 4.0, they are 32 characters. */
- if (SysInfo.Revision == 0x15)
- {
- NameLen = 20;
- }
- else
- {
- NameLen = 32;
- }
- /* Keep track of start of fonts */
- FontStart = ftell(HelpFile);
- for (counter = 0; counter < (long) FontHdr.NumFonts; counter++)
- {
- fread(AFont, NameLen, 1, HelpFile);
- printf(" %3d - %s\n", counter, AFont);
- }
- /* Go to Font Descriptors. Don't actually need this, because we're
- there, but wanted to show how to get there using the offset. */
- fseek(HelpFile, FontStart + (long)(FontHdr.DescriptorsOffset) - sizeof(FontHdr), SEEK_SET);
- printf("\nNum Font Descriptors: %d\n", FontHdr.NumDescriptors);
- printf("Default Descriptor: %d\n\n", FontHdr.DefDescriptor);
- printf("Attributes: n=none b=bold i=ital u=undr s=strkout d=dblundr C=smallcaps\n\n");
- printf("Font Name PointSize Family FG RGB BG RGB Attr\n");
- printf("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- for (counter = 0; counter < (long) FontHdr.NumDescriptors; counter++) {
- fread(&FontDesc, sizeof(FontDesc), 1, HelpFile);
- CurrLoc = ftell(HelpFile);
- fseek(HelpFile, FontStart + (NameLen * FontDesc.FontName), SEEK_SET);
- fread(AFont, NameLen, 1, HelpFile);
- fseek(HelpFile, CurrLoc, SEEK_SET);
- /* write out info on Font descriptor */
- printf("%-32s %4.1f ", AFont, (float)(FontDesc.HalfPoints / 2));
- switch (FontDesc.FontFamily) {
- case FAM_MODERN: printf("Modern");
- break;
- case FAM_ROMAN: printf("Roman ");
- break;
- case FAM_SWISS: printf("Swiss ");
- break;
- case FAM_SCRIPT: printf("Script");
- break;
- case FAM_DECOR: printf("Decor ");
- break;
- default: printf("0X%02X ", FontDesc.FontFamily);
- break;
- } /* Switch */
- printf(" 0X%08lX ",RGB(FontDesc.SRRGB.rgbRed,
- FontDesc.SRRGB.rgbGreen,
- FontDesc.SRRGB.rgbBlue));
- printf("0X%08lX ",RGB(FontDesc.NSRRGB.rgbRed,
- FontDesc.NSRRGB.rgbGreen,
- FontDesc.NSRRGB.rgbBlue));
- if (FontDesc.Attributes == 0) putchar('n');
- if (FontDesc.Attributes & FONT_BOLD) putchar('b');
- if (FontDesc.Attributes & FONT_ITAL) putchar('i');
- if (FontDesc.Attributes & FONT_UNDR) putchar('u');
- if (FontDesc.Attributes & FONT_STRK) putchar('s');
- if (FontDesc.Attributes & FONT_DBUN) putchar('d');
- if (FontDesc.Attributes & FONT_SMCP) putchar('C');
- printf("\n");
- #ifdef HLP_DEBUG
- printf("Unknown = %d\n", FontDesc.Unknown);
- #endif
- }
- }
- /***************************************************
- Dumps the |CONTEXT file
- ****************************************************/
- void ContextDump(FILE *HelpFile, long FileStart)
- {
- long count;
- long CurrPage, FirstPageLoc;
- long TopicOffset, HashValue;
- /* Go to the TTLBTREE file and get the headers */
- fseek(HelpFile, FileStart, SEEK_SET);
- LoadHeader(HelpFile);
- fread(&BTreeHdr, sizeof(BTreeHdr), 1, HelpFile);
- /* Save the current location */
- FirstPageLoc = ftell(HelpFile);
- fseek(HelpFile,
- FirstPageLoc+(BTreeHdr.RootPage * BTreeHdr.PageSize),
- printf("# Context Hash Values in |CONTEXT %lu\n\n", BTreeHdr.TotalBtreeEntries);
- CurrPage = BTreeHdr.FirstLeaf;
- do
- {
- fseek(HelpFile,
- FirstPageLoc+(CurrPage * BTreeHdr.PageSize),
- fread(&CurrNode, 8, 1, HelpFile);
- for(count = 1; count <= CurrNode.NEntries; count++)
- {
- fread(&HashValue, sizeof(HashValue), 1, HelpFile);
- fread(&TopicOffset, sizeof(TopicOffset), 1, HelpFile);
- printf("Topic Offset:0x%08lX Hash Value: 0x%08lX\n", TopicOffset, HashValue);
- }
- CurrPage = CurrNode.NextPage;
- } while(CurrPage != -1);
- }
- /***************************************************
- Prints a Phrase from the Phrase table.
- ****************************************************/
- void PrintPhrase(long PhraseNum)
- {
- short *Offsets;
- char *p;
- p = Phrases+Offsets[PhraseNum];
- while (p < Phrases + Offsets[PhraseNum + 1])
- putchar(*p++);
- }
- /***************************************************
- Dumps the Keyword B-Tree
- ****************************************************/
- void KWBTreeDump(FILE *HelpFile, long FileStart)
- {
- char Keyword[80], c;
- long count, Index;
- long CurrPage, FirstPageLoc;
- long KeywordOffset;
- long KeywordCount;
- /* Go to the KWBTREE file and get the headers */
- fseek(HelpFile, FileStart, SEEK_SET);
- LoadHeader(HelpFile);
- fread(&BTreeHdr, sizeof(BTreeHdr), 1, HelpFile);
- /* Save the current location */
- FirstPageLoc = ftell(HelpFile);
- fseek(HelpFile,
- FirstPageLoc+(BTreeHdr.RootPage * BTreeHdr.PageSize),
- printf("# Keywords - %lu\n\n", BTreeHdr.TotalBtreeEntries);
- CurrPage = BTreeHdr.FirstLeaf;
- do
- {
- fseek(HelpFile,
- FirstPageLoc+(CurrPage * BTreeHdr.PageSize),
- fread(&CurrNode, 8, 1, HelpFile);
- for(count = 1; count <= CurrNode.NEntries; count++)
- {
- Index = 0;
- while(c = (char) fgetc(HelpFile))
- Keyword[Index++] = c;
- Keyword[Index] = 0;
- fread(&KeywordCount, sizeof(KeywordCount), 1, HelpFile);
- fread(&KeywordOffset, sizeof(KeywordOffset), 1, HelpFile);
- printf("Offset: 0x%08lX Count: %d Keyword: %s\n",
- KeywordOffset, KeywordCount, Keyword);
- }
- CurrPage = CurrNode.NextPage;
- } while(CurrPage != -1);
- }
- /***************************************************
- Dumps the Keyword Data file
- ****************************************************/
- void KWDataDump(FILE *HelpFile, long FileStart)
- {
- long fileSize;
- long nIndex;
- long Offset;
- /* Go to the KWDATA file and get the headers */
- fseek(HelpFile, FileStart, SEEK_SET);
- fileSize = LoadHeader(HelpFile);
- printf("Dumping Keyword Data File\n\n");
- /* Go through all keyword offsets (fileSize / 4) */
- for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < (fileSize / sizeof(Offset)); nIndex++)
- {
- fread(&Offset, sizeof(Offset), 1, HelpFile);
- printf("Index: %d Offset: 0x%08lX\n", nIndex, Offset);
- }
- }
- /***************************************************
- Dumps the Keyword Map file
- ****************************************************/
- void KWMapDump(FILE *HelpFile, long FileStart)
- {
- long fileSize;
- long nIndex;
- WORD nKWMaps;
- /* Go to the KWMAP file and get the headers */
- fseek(HelpFile, FileStart, SEEK_SET);
- fileSize = LoadHeader(HelpFile);
- printf("Dumping Keyword Map\n\n");
- fread(&nKWMaps, sizeof(nKWMaps), 1, HelpFile);
- /* Go through all keyword offsets (fileSize / 4) */
- for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < (int) nKWMaps; nIndex++)
- {
- fread(&kwMap, sizeof(KWMAPREC), 1, HelpFile);
- printf("Index: %d First Keyword 0x%08lX Leaf Page#: %05u\n",
- nIndex, kwMap.FirstRec, kwMap.PageNum);
- }
- }
- /***************************************************
- Dumps the Topic Titles B-Tree
- ****************************************************/
- void TTLDump(FILE *HelpFile, long FileStart)
- {
- char Title[80], c;
- long count, Index;
- long CurrPage, FirstPageLoc, TopicOffset;
- /* Go to the TTLBTREE file and get the headers */
- fseek(HelpFile, FileStart, SEEK_SET);
- LoadHeader(HelpFile);
- fread(&BTreeHdr, sizeof(BTreeHdr), 1, HelpFile);
- /* Save the current location */
- FirstPageLoc = ftell(HelpFile);
- fseek(HelpFile,
- FirstPageLoc+(BTreeHdr.RootPage * BTreeHdr.PageSize),
- printf("# Titles in |TTLBTREE %lu\n\n", BTreeHdr.TotalBtreeEntries);
- CurrPage = BTreeHdr.FirstLeaf;
- do
- {
- fseek(HelpFile,
- FirstPageLoc+(CurrPage * BTreeHdr.PageSize),
- fread(&CurrNode, 8, 1, HelpFile);
- for(count = 1; count <= CurrNode.NEntries; count++)
- {
- fread(&TopicOffset, sizeof(TopicOffset), 1, HelpFile);
- Index = 0;
- while(c = (char) fgetc(HelpFile))
- Title[Index++] = c;
- Title[Index] = 0;
- printf("Topic Offset:0x%08lX Title: %s\n", TopicOffset, Title);
- }
- CurrPage = CurrNode.NextPage;
- } while(CurrPage != -1);
- }
- /***************************************************
- Dumps the |Phrases file
- ****************************************************/
- void PhrasesDump(FILE *HelpFile, long FileStart)
- {
- long nOuterIndex, nInnerIndex;
- WORD start, len;
- PhrasesLoad(HelpFile, FileStart);
- printf("Phrase# Phrase\n");
- for (nOuterIndex = 0; nOuterIndex < NumPhrases; nOuterIndex++)
- {
- start = (WORD) PhrOffsets[nOuterIndex] ;
- len = PhrOffsets[nOuterIndex + 1] - start;
- printf(" %5d ", nOuterIndex + 1);
- for (nInnerIndex = 0; nInnerIndex < (int) len; nInnerIndex++)
- {
- printf("%c", (Phrases[start + nInnerIndex]));
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- /***************************************************
- Loads the |SYSTEM info
- ****************************************************/
- int SysLoad(FILE *HelpFile, long FileStart)
- {
- fseek(HelpFile, FileStart, SEEK_SET);
- LoadHeader(HelpFile);
- fread(&SysInfo, sizeof(SYSTEMHEADER), 1, HelpFile);
- #ifdef HLP_DEBUG
- printf("DEBUG -> SysLoad()\n");
- printf("Magic: 0x%02x\n", SysInfo.Magic);
- printf("Version: 0x%02x\n", SysInfo.Version);
- printf("Revision: 0x%02x\n", SysInfo.Revision);
- printf("Flags: 0x%04x\n\n", SysInfo.Flags);
- #endif
- if (SysInfo.Magic != SYS_MAGIC)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /***************************************************
- Loads the compression phrases
- ****************************************************/
- void PhrasesLoad(FILE *HelpFile, long FileStart)
- {
- PHRASEHEADER phraseHeader;
- long FileSize;
- long DeCompSize;
- fseek(HelpFile, FileStart, SEEK_SET);
- FileSize = LoadHeader(HelpFile);
- fread(&phraseHeader, sizeof(phraseHeader), 1, HelpFile);
- if (SysInfo.Flags != NO_COMPRESSION)
- {
- if ((PhrOffsets = malloc(phraseHeader.PhrasesSize +
- (phraseHeader.NumPhrases + 1) * 2 + 10)) == NULL)
- {
- printf("Unable to allocate space for Phrases.\n");
- return;
- }
- /* Assign Phrases to where the comrpessed phrases are */
- Phrases = (char*) PhrOffsets + fread(PhrOffsets,
- 2,
- phraseHeader.NumPhrases + 1,
- HelpFile);
- DeCompSize = Decompress(HelpFile,
- FileSize - (sizeof(phraseHeader) +
- 2 * (phraseHeader.NumPhrases + 1)),
- Phrases);
- if (DeCompSize != (long) phraseHeader.PhrasesSize)
- {
- printf("Warning, Phrases did not decompress to the proper size.\n");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ((PhrOffsets = malloc(phraseHeader.PhrasesSize +
- (phraseHeader.NumPhrases + 1) * 2 + 10)) == NULL)
- {
- printf("Unable to allocate space for Phrases.\n");
- return;
- }
- /* Back up four bytes if phrases aren't compressed */
- /* because PhrasesSize field doesn't exist. */
- fseek(HelpFile, -4, SEEK_CUR);
- fread(PhrOffsets, FileSize - 4, 1, HelpFile);
- }
- /* Reset Phrases to be equal to PhrOffsets */
- Phrases = (char *) PhrOffsets;
- NumPhrases = phraseHeader.NumPhrases;
- }
- /***************************************************
- Finds an HFS File by traversing the HFS b-tree
- Note: This is the only place I actually traverse
- the b-tree instead of cycling through the leaf
- pages. I put this in specifically to show how to
- traverse the b-tree, since speed isn't a real
- concern for HelpDump.
- ****************************************************/
- char FindFile(FILE *HelpFile, char* filename, long* offset)
- {
- long HFSStart;
- short* pNextPage;
- char* buffer;
- char* currPtr;
- long nKeys, nFiles;
- char found = 0;
- long currLevel = 1;
- /* Go to the HFS and read the header. */
- fseek(HelpFile, HelpHeader.HFSLoc, SEEK_SET);
- LoadHeader(HelpFile);
- fread(&HFSHeader, sizeof(HFSHeader), 1, HelpFile);
- /* Allocate space for read buffer */
- buffer = malloc(HFSHeader.PageSize);
- if (buffer == NULL)
- {
- printf("Unable to allocate space for buffer.\n");
- return found;
- }
- HFSIndexHeader = (BTREEINDEXHEADER*) buffer;
- HFSStart = ftell(HelpFile);
- /* Advance to root page */
- fseek(HelpFile,
- (HFSHeader.RootPage * HFSHeader.PageSize) + HFSStart,
- /* If there's only one page, then it must be a leaf */
- if (HFSHeader.TotalPages > 1)
- {
- /* Traverse b-tree looking for the key for the leaf page */
- while (!found)
- {
- /* Read in the page */
- fread(buffer, HFSHeader.PageSize, 1, HelpFile);
- currPtr = buffer + sizeof(BTREEINDEXHEADER);
- pNextPage = (int *) currPtr;
- currPtr += sizeof(int);
- /* Go through all keys in the page */
- for (nKeys = 0; nKeys < HFSIndexHeader->NEntries; nKeys++)
- {
- /* If filename is less than key, this is our page. */
- if (strcmp(filename, currPtr) < 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Advance to the next page# */
- while (*currPtr)
- currPtr++;
- currPtr++;
- pNextPage = (int *) currPtr;
- currPtr += sizeof(int);
- }
- }
- /* Advance to next page */
- fseek(HelpFile,
- (*pNextPage * HFSHeader.PageSize) + HFSStart,
- /* If this is the last index page */
- /* then pNextPage points to a */
- /* leaf page */
- if (currLevel == HFSHeader.nLevels - 1)
- {
- found = 1;
- }
- currLevel++;
- }
- }
- fread(buffer, HFSHeader.PageSize, 1, HelpFile);
- HFSLeafHeader = (BTREELEAFHEADER*) buffer;
- currPtr = buffer + sizeof(BTREELEAFHEADER);
- found = 0;
- /* Loop through all files in this page */
- for (nFiles = 0; nFiles < HFSLeafHeader->NEntries; nFiles++)
- {
- if (strcmp(filename, currPtr))
- {
- /* Advance to the file offset */
- while (*currPtr)
- currPtr++;
- /* Move past the null and file offset */
- /* to next file */
- currPtr += 5;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Save the offset of the file */
- while (*currPtr)
- currPtr++;
- currPtr++;
- *offset = (long) *((long*) currPtr);
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* TRUE if file was found, FALSE if it wasn't */
- return found;
- }
- /***************************************************
- DumpFile
- ****************************************************/
- void DumpFile(FILE *HelpFile)
- {
- long fileOffset;
- char fileName[255];
- /* For many files we need to know information about */
- /* The system, so we'll load the system data info here */
- /* if it's available */
- SysLoaded = 0;
- strcpy(fileName, "|SYSTEM");
- if (FindFile(HelpFile, fileName, &fileOffset))
- {
- SysLoaded = (char) SysLoad(HelpFile, fileOffset);
- }
- /* If it's not a version 3 help file */
- /* then we can't handle it. */
- if (SysInfo.Version != 0x03)
- {
- printf("Warning: Not a version 3 help file. Version is %d.\n",
- SysInfo.Version);
- }
- /* If it's version 3, but not revision */
- /* 0x15 or 0x21, we also can't handle it */
- if (SysInfo.Revision != 0x15 && SysInfo.Revision != 0x21)
- {
- printf("Revision not 0x15 or 0x21. Revision is 0x%02x.\n",
- SysInfo.Revision);
- }
- /* If we're reading the |TOPIC file, then we need to */
- /* pre-load the phrases from the |Phrases file */
- if (!strcmp(HFSFileToRead, "|TOPIC") ||
- !strcmp(HFSFileToRead, "TOPIC"))
- {
- strcpy(fileName, "|Phrases");
- if (FindFile(HelpFile, fileName, &fileOffset))
- {
- PhrasesLoad(HelpFile, fileOffset);
- }
- }
- strcpy(fileName, HFSFileToRead);
- if (!FindFile(HelpFile, fileName, &fileOffset))
- {
- /* Append a "|" character to the beginning */
- /* of the filename and try to find the file */
- strcpy(fileName, "|");
- strcat(fileName, HFSFileToRead);
- if (!FindFile(HelpFile, fileName, &fileOffset))
- {
- /* File not found */
- printf("Error: Unable to find HFS file %s or %s\n",
- HFSFileToRead, fileName);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (!ForceHex)
- {
- if (!strcmp(fileName, "|SYSTEM"))
- SystemDump(HelpFile, fileOffset);
- else if (!strcmp(fileName, "|TTLBTREE"))
- TTLDump(HelpFile, fileOffset);
- else if (!strcmp(fileName, "|CONTEXT"))
- ContextDump(HelpFile, fileOffset);
- else if (!strcmp(fileName, "|FONT"))
- FontDump(HelpFile, fileOffset);
- else if (!strcmp(fileName, "|KWBTREE"))
- KWBTreeDump(HelpFile, fileOffset);
- else if (!strcmp(fileName, "|AWBTREE"))
- KWBTreeDump(HelpFile, fileOffset);
- else if (!strcmp(fileName, "|KWDATA"))
- KWDataDump(HelpFile, fileOffset);
- else if (!strcmp(fileName, "|AWDATA"))
- KWDataDump(HelpFile, fileOffset);
- else if (!strcmp(fileName, "|KWMAP"))
- KWMapDump(HelpFile, fileOffset);
- else if (!strcmp(fileName, "|Phrases"))
- PhrasesDump(HelpFile, fileOffset);
- else
- HexDumpFile(HelpFile, fileOffset);
- }
- else
- {
- HexDumpFile(HelpFile, fileOffset);
- }
- }
- /***************************************************
- List out all the HFS files in a .HLP file
- ****************************************************/
- void ListFiles(FILE *HelpFile)
- {
- long HFSStart;
- char* buffer;
- char* currPtr;
- long nIndex, nFiles;
- long* offset;
- /* Go to the HFS and read the header. */
- fseek(HelpFile, HelpHeader.HFSLoc, SEEK_SET);
- LoadHeader(HelpFile);
- fread(&HFSHeader, sizeof(HFSHeader), 1, HelpFile);
- CHECK_SIGNATURE(HFSHeader.Signature, 0x293B);
- #ifdef HLP_DEBUG
- printf("DEBUG -> ListFiles()\n");
- printf("B-Tree Page Size %d\n", HFSHeader.PageSize);
- printf("B-Tree First Leaf %d\n", HFSHeader.FirstLeaf);
- printf("B-Tree Num. Levels %d\n", HFSHeader.nLevels);
- printf("B-Tree Total Pages %d\n", HFSHeader.TotalPages);
- printf("B-Tree Total # Entries %ld\n", HFSHeader.TotalBtreeEntries);
- #endif
- /* Start of the HFS b-tree pages */
- HFSStart = ftell(HelpFile);
- /* Go to the first leaf page of the HFS */
- fseek(HelpFile, HFSHeader.FirstLeaf * HFSHeader.PageSize, SEEK_CUR);
- /* Allocate space for read buffer and read first page */
- buffer = malloc(HFSHeader.PageSize);
- if (buffer == NULL)
- {
- printf("Unable to allocate space for buffer.\n");
- return;
- }
- HFSLeafHeader = (BTREELEAFHEADER*) buffer;
- printf("\nHFS Filename Offset\n");
- printf("-----------------------------------\n");
- /* Loop through all HFS leaf pages */
- for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < HFSHeader.TotalPages; nIndex++)
- {
- fread(buffer, HFSHeader.PageSize, 1, HelpFile);
- currPtr = buffer + sizeof(BTREELEAFHEADER);
- /* Loop through all files in this page */
- for (nFiles = 0; nFiles < HFSLeafHeader->NEntries; nFiles++)
- {
- /* Print filename */
- printf("%-30s", currPtr);
- /* Advance to next filename */
- while (*currPtr)
- currPtr++;
- currPtr++;
- offset = (long*) currPtr;
- /* print offset to file */
- printf("0x%08lX\n", *offset);
- /* Move past the file offset to next file */
- currPtr += 4;
- }
- }
- }
- /***************************************************
- Check to make sure it's a help file. Then
- either dump the HFS directory or dump an HFS
- file.
- ****************************************************/
- void HelpDump(FILE *HelpFile)
- {
- fread(&HelpHeader, sizeof(HelpHeader), 1, HelpFile);
- if (HelpHeader.MagicNumber != HF_MAGIC)
- {
- printf("Fatal Error:\n");
- printf(" Not a valid WinHelp file!\n");
- return;
- }
- if (ReadHFSFile)
- DumpFile(HelpFile);
- else
- ListFiles(HelpFile);
- }
- /***************************************************
- Show usage
- ****************************************************/
- void Usage()
- {
- printf("HLPDUMP2 (version 2.0 of Help Dump)\n");
- printf("By Pete Davis and Mike Wallace Copyright 1997\n\n");
- printf("Usage: HLPDUMP2 helpfile[.hlp] [hfsfilename] [/H]\n\n");
- printf("where:\n");
- printf(" helpfile - name of .HLP/.GID/.ANN/.BMK file to open\n");
- printf(" hfsfilename - name of HFS file to read\n");
- printf(" /H - force a hex dump\n\n");
- printf("note: Do not include the pipe '|' character in the hfsfilename.\n");
- }
- /***************************************************
- Entry point to HLPDUMP2
- ****************************************************/
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- char filename[_MAX_PATH];
- FILE *HelpFile;
- if (argc < 2)
- {
- Usage();
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- ReadHFSFile = 0;
- if (argc >= 3)
- {
- strcpy(HFSFileToRead, argv[2]);
- ReadHFSFile = 1;
- }
- /* Are we forcing a hex dump? */
- ForceHex = 0;
- if (argc == 4)
- {
- if (stricmp(argv[3], "/H"))
- {
- printf("Error: Argument 3 unrecognized\n");
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- ForceHex = 1;
- }
- strcpy(filename, argv[1]);
- strupr(filename);
- if (!strchr(filename, '.'))
- strcat(filename, ".HLP");
- if ((HelpFile = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL)
- {
- printf("%s does not exist!", filename);
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- printf("Dumping %s\n\n", filename);
- HelpDump(HelpFile);
- fclose(HelpFile);
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }